SS14 account: campbelle1000
Character name: Bella camp
When was the ban: maybe 11:43 EST on 4/12/2022
Server you were playing on when banned: Wizards Den Lizard
Your side of the story: I have been getting shit from two people for a whole week and I let my anger out verbally, I made a sarcastic joke to try to make me feel better about this but that made moony upset apparently while Todd was trying to de-escalate and they banned me.
Why you think you should be unbanned: I think I should be unbanned because I have calmed down like you said and am ready to return, I Believe It is unfair as Todd was trying to de-escalate and he could have done so without this having to happen in the first place.
This isn’t “a sarcastic joke”, this is threatening to break the server rules. You’ve done this multiple times at that. You need to chill out and stop harassing people just because you died in space game. If there’s a serious issue, you should ahelp it with an explanation instead of a weird rant nobody understands.
Moony, Obviously you didn’t understand which part was the joke as you don’t seem to be even talking about the same thing I was trying to say was a sarcastic joke, But now onto what you said, I don’t recall ever saying I was going to perma-kill somebody before now, Yes I have got mad before but I don’t recall Harassing them per say as you said I did, More so Expressing my feelings about how this had been going on for a week, Which were anger.
Hi Campbelle,
Your behavioral conduct on our community servers hasn’t been the brightest, perhaps, one of the lowest all-time records once you go into detail and compare to the other situations- all of whom have been banned or removed from the community as a whole entirely.
I’ve been in several IC rounds with you, and also OOC. Both of which I have witnessed quite a few red flags.
The situation in which you blatantly admitted in the dead channel that you were going to grudge the players J. Quinn as well as S. Bard. Whom of which was trying to fix the engine that you were unknowingly sabotaging their efforts for- which they saw from their perspective that you were most likely a traitor.
They killed you. You ended up declaring your intent to the entire server in anger, but then proceeded to go Captain the next round and proceed to bug the CE, J. Quinn, for their spare toolbelt. As Captain, who should not require a toolbelt at all unless you plan on powergaming or for whatever reason- there’s just literally no reason to carry one, specifically the CE’s spare. After which you proceeded to make a remark once they publicly denied you access to the spare in the common radio channel.
There’s also been a few situations I’ve witnessed an absolute meltdown. At the time there’s so many of those cases, they can’t be pinpointed. The logs can be provided for this and the situation prior and publicly posted here on the thread if you’d like, but I’m sure you remember your outbursts.
Today, you messaged a fellow admin, in an attempt to guilt-trip / manipulate them into helping your case. This is most likely where I myself will draw the line if you’re going to be harassing my fellow admin peers in their DMs and making them uncomfortable because you feel unjust in your own actions. Actions, whether you believe it or not, actually have consequences.
Admin-shopping will not help your case in the slightest here, not only because we don’t tolerate it as a whole, but also because your history within our community servers is one of the more notorious cases for toxicity.
Regards, Lavender
4 minutes ago, mushroomLavender said:
grudge the players J. Quinn as well as S. Bard.
First of all I said this was going to left out of the game and treat them the same in game, Which you would have saw if you looked even a little bit further into it
5 minutes ago, mushroomLavender said:
As Captain, who should not require a toolbelt at all unless you plan on powergaming or for whatever reason-
Second I like to have a toolbelt to help out any engineers or other people that I see who need it, as a good captain should, And I should be punished for trying to help out my crew? That is a bit uncalled for.
7 minutes ago, mushroomLavender said:
you messaged a fellow admin, in an attempt to guilt-trip / manipulate them into helping your case.
Third and finally, I thought seija was my fucking friend but apparently not. So now tell me, If somebody you thought were decent friends with suddenly just doesn’t want to be your friend how would you feel, And am I not allowed to have friends on the staff team? Apparently not according to you, which I find outrageous and take that personally, Very rude.
You have now enlisted someone else to message our staff in your place, apparently. I thought I made it crystal clear to not do this.
2 minutes ago, Campbelle1000 said:
Third and finally, I thought seija was my fucking friend but apparently not. So now tell me, If somebody you thought were decent friends with suddenly just doesn’t want to be your friend how would you feel, And am I not allowed to have friends on the staff team? Apparently not according to you, which I find outrageous and take that personally, Very rude.
In-fact Lavender I want to ask you to have some respect as that was just outright rude.
Just now, moony said:
You have now enlisted someone else to message our staff in your place, apparently. I thought I made it crystal clear to not do this.
Im not?
Just now, Campbelle1000 said:
Im not?
I haven’t asked anybody at all to do this.
As for our staff, you are allowed to do whatever with the exception that any and all complaints about administration, ban appeals, or administrative questions like “can you make me a ghost role” are to stay out of staff DMs and must ALWAYS go through their respective channels (forums, forums, ahelp). This is for their sanity, and to make sure all game staff are on the same page about a problem.
1 minute ago, Campbelle1000 said:
Third and finally, I thought seija was my fucking friend but apparently not.
I am only going to talk about this part here. Friends or not there is a level of separation that needs to happen when it comes with being an admin. We have friends that play this game, and when one of them join we send a message in admin chat of “if this person a-helps/gets ahelped, I am not touching it” talking about bans to them or using them to vent about a fellow admin’s decisions through DMs is not an okay thing to do. Seija might be your friend, but as their friend you should have known that they arent a good person to talk to about this situation because of the position the both of you are in.
This was a two hour ban. You raised this much hell over a two hour ban. If you did absolutely nothing after getting banned you would be playing the game right now.
This is our way of telling you to cool down. But you don’t want to cool down. That is very concerning to us. At your best you are a skilled and competent player but at your worst, you’re this. And we don’t want you in our servers if you’re going to behave like this.
Respect is not demanded. Human beings start with a certain level of respect for each other that is added to or taken away based on their actions. You cannot say “I deserve some respect” after throwing, essentially, a temper tantrum after being given a slap on the wrist for REPEATEDLY threatening to break the rules.
I’m going to lock this thread for a bit and we’ll come back to this in a few hours. For now your ban has been extended. If you try to contact another admin over discord I will close the appeal.
Do you understand the problems we have here? Because it’s not just one. It’s multiple.
Throwing a temper tantrum ingame at another player. This is an issue because you did not bother to ever ahelp this player. If you feel another player is breaking the rules, you need to ahelp it. I will speak for the entire team when I say I would much rather get a false alarm ahelp than no ahelp at all.
You have repeatedly threatened to break the rules and metagrudge players of our community, which even if you didn’t actually do, would fall under harassment which is a massive no-no. If you run around saying “I’m gonna break the rules!” you should not be upset about us punishing you for breaking the rules… even if you weren’t actually planning on breaking the rules.
You got a two hour ban for the above, at which point you proceeded to DM multiple members of the staff team in protest to attempt to convince or outright bully them into unbanning you early. It’s a two hour ban.
You are demonstrating that you don’t have a desire to go through the proper channels to deal with these problems. Our systems are in place to help you enjoy the game, not to keep you from enjoying them. If you don’t bother to press the two buttons required to send a report to the admins, the admins cannot help you remove problematic elements. If you try to blow up multiple admin DMs instead of making an appeal on the forums, then we can’t help you get back in the game because you didn’t make an appeal. This wouldn’t be a problem on its own but it doesn’t help that, as depicted above, you’re melting down at other players when you perceive them as acting out against you. Which means you are stuck complaining that nothing is being done to stop your issue when there literally exists a way to fix your issue.
I think that you are actually a pretty decent player when you are playing normally, and a great player when you’re playing at your best. But you need to be able to keep yourself under control when you are under pressure or when you feel slighted. And you’ve just demonstrated, again, that you can’t do that. Which means we have to now consider, for the rest of the players, whether that means you should be let back in.
Understand that if you ARE let back in, if this happens again it will mean a permanent removal from ALL Wizard Den spaces. It will come with a game ban, a discord ban, and likely a forum ban as well. We have to protect the interests of every staff and player, and if you make staff or players uncomfortable then that means you do not belong in our community.
Right now I’m looking for some sort of acknowledgement that you do understand what is wrong here, and an agreement that you will use the proper channels in the future.
I agree to use the proper channels in the future and I am sorry
Do you have any questions about anything that I wrote? Is there anything that is potentially unclear?
Well I do have one question for you, But other then that all of my questions are for the others
My question is if its a small mistake or something will I be banned for it?
This is permaban #2. As per our banning policy, permaban #3 will be unappealable. Generally bans past #5 (the number you are at right now) are permanent/appeal only with very little exception. So if you do something bannable, expect to not be able to return.
Bans “expire” on your record 6 months after they end. For your case, that means the soonest you could get banned and expect it to not be permanent would be August 27th, 2022.
Essentially, you would be on extremely thin ice. First, though, we have to discuss what we want to do with your current appeal. That will probably take a while as with repeat offenders we try to get a very large consensus before moving forward.
6 hours ago, mushroomLavender said:
As Captain, who should not require a toolbelt at all unless you plan on powergaming or for whatever reason
Stealth if you could refer this question to lavender I would appreciate it
Why cant I have a tool belt, I often have one so i can help fix stuff, get around during no power, and other stuff.
2 minutes ago, Stealth16 said:
This is permaban #2. As per our banning policy, permaban #3 will be unappealable. Generally bans past #5 (the number you are at right now) are permanent/appeal only with very little exception. So if you do something bannable, expect to not be able to return.
Bans “expire” on your record 6 months after they end. For your case, that means the soonest you could get banned and expect it to not be permanent would be August 27th, 2022.
Essentially, you would be on extremely thin ice. First, though, we have to discuss what we want to do with your current appeal. That will probably take a while as with repeat offenders we try to get a very large consensus before moving forward.
Alright, I understand
1 minute ago, Campbelle1000 said:
Stealth if you could refer this question to lavender I would appreciate it
Why cant I have a tool belt, I often have one so i can help fix stuff, get around during no power, and other stuff.
Captain’s job isn’t to repair the station. It’s to run the ship. You don’t need a toolbelt to do that.
For LRP I wouldn’t consider it a big deal.