MrMarlin - Reson is listed as "Metacomms with HogNog"

Username: MrMarlin

Ban reason: Reson is listed as "Metacomms with HogNog"
Length of ban: Indefinite
Ban Issue:
I did not do what I was banned for

Events leading to the ban

Joined the server and recognized an old buddy. Followed his lead for a bit and did a little RP. After a little fun at the bar I went to find him which is when I got restricted by an admin. I proceeded to then get blamed by admin “Reisama” for metacomms when the other user noticed I stopped moving and expressed concern.

Reason the ban should be removed

I believe the ban should be appealed because I genuinely did not break any rules, at least not to my knowledge.

Alternate Accounts

I do not have any alternate accounts.


Its is currently impossible to definitively check for metacommunications from a admin perspective. we then have to resort to in-game tests and observations. It seems you and your friend were a false positive of said test.

given this I have decided to accept this appeal.

Nonetheless be warned that metacommunications is not allowed as it is unfair for other players

Added appeal-accepted and removed appeal-pending

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