NeverSpeaks - Alt of Gh0staque, Using a modified client

Username: NeverSpeaks

Ban reason: Alt of Gh0staque, Using a modified client
Length of ban: Indefinite
Ban Issue:
The ban is fair, but I would like a second chance or reduction

Vote Opt-Out: true

Events leading to the ban

Dear Wizard Den,

It has been a long time. Firstly, I would like to apologise for my childish conduct after all this while. I first started playing SS14 a few years ago on my account Gh0staque. Unfortunately I was rather immature brat back then in the year 2021 or 2022? (can’t remember the exact year sorry) and was a rather racist person back then using gamer words and the like. Afterwards, I tried to ban evade several times to no avail.

In the beginning of this year, I stumbled upon this game again and wanted to give it a shot. I created this account (NeverSpeaks) and played for over 100 hours without incident after watching a ban evading video and tried the steps out. Of course I was caught eventually and played a few more times using other alt accounts. All of which were caught or I gave up after looking at the time limits. I tried to lied in my previous ban appeal on this and I apologise for doing so now. I felt hurt at that time especially considering my original ban was years ago, and I did not cause much trouble in my “ban evaded” accounts. This however does not excuse my actions.

Reason the ban should be removed

It should be removed as while I have been vouchered banned from wizden, I have migrated to other servers and enjoyed my time there, especially in Delta V and Frontier (now moving to other servers beyond those 2 as well), accumulating hundreds of hours with a few minor notes from Delta V and none from frontier.

The reasons I should be unbanned in short are as follows:

  1. More than 6 monthshas past since my last ban evasion attempt
  2. I have accumulated hours of gameplay in other servers and have the notes and hours to show for them.

Delta V and Frontier admins do not provide vouchers, so I unfortunately do not have that sorted. Nonethelss your consideration of this appeal and the evidence provided should hopefully serve to prove that I have changed as a person, and would not cause much trouble if I am accepted back into Wizden.

Thank you and may you have a good christmas ahead,

Alternate Accounts

( a couple more i may have forgotten. My apologies)

Unfortunately a voucher is necessary for a ban evasion ban. Since it has been more than six months since your last attempt so you may make another appeal immediately if you get a voucher. servers like Funky, Goob and Harmony all offer vouchers

Added appeal-rejected and removed appeal-pending

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