[OdaSoda] - [Using the word Retard]

Ban reason: [Using the word Retard]
Length of ban: [Perma]
Events leading to the ban: [Not Sure, I was probably upset at something.]
Reason the ban should be removed: [I love playing the game. Even though I personally don’t think of retard as a slur, I won’t have any problems not using that language from now on. I didn’t think it was a ban worth offense before so now that I know. Well, I won’t use the word.]

Why did you think it wasn’t a ban-worthy offence when you got banned for saying that word only a few weeks ago?

Well now that I think about it, I believe I was warned once before about the word and given a warning.  Then the second time that staff got in contact with me was because of a self antag, which I believe I got my temporary ban from.  I don’t actually remember ever saying retard for the second time, but I don’t doubt I said it probably because of what I said earlier in the post prior.

Though honestly I didn’t think it was a ban worthy offense because I might not of been banned for it before, I thought the reason was for self antag.

Either way, for this topic and previous one that I had a temporary ban for, I’ve learned that these things are serious and will make sure not to break the rules again.


This appeal was put to a vote amongst the admin team and the resulting action was to unban you with immediate effect however I will make it very clear that you have been given several warnings and bans regarding this and if anything like this happens from now you will be given a voucher ban.

From Accepted to Ban Appeals