Lets break down your post:
10 hours ago, FumoLegionnairy said:
This game should never allow children to play.
Okay, that’s a statement, one that would probably not be wildy unpopular given the nature of online games as being unpredictable in general.
10 hours ago, FumoLegionnairy said:
Those who advocate for it are quite frankly pedophiles.
Who are these people who advocate for children to play SS14? Where are they? How does their advocacy exactly make these (currently seemingly entirely in your head) people pedophiles?
10 hours ago, FumoLegionnairy said:
This game has gruesome displays of violence and swears and all manner of things not suitable for any child to see.
This is heavily dependent on the administration of a server, and it’s codebase. there are many such games such as grand theft auto, and call of duty, which have similar effects of violence and online chat that is not suitable for children, However those games are, still filled with children. I believe this only goes to show that the burden of fault lies within the parents that openly and blatantly allow their children to access such content, and not those who develop or host the game, and is is supported by the fact that many of these such games when sold in stores, require a valid 17+ or 18+ id from the vendor selling them depending on the country as the ESRB rating system in the US is 17+ and the European one has 16+ and 18+
The nature of SS14 being an easily accessible download (much like nearly all 18+ content on the internet) puts the burden of fault on the parents for not monitoring what content their child is accessing on the internet.
10 hours ago, FumoLegionnairy said:
If you’re someone wanting to have this game marketed to children you’re sus as shit and you need to change your life cuz again, you sound like a child hungry groomer.
Again, The people you claim to be talking against, who are they and where are they? It’s not particularly unpopular to most of us to think that children should not play this game, and is in fact supported by the vast majority of servers that ban players who are at the very least under 16.
In short, your entire post seems like a schizophrenic rant against a non existent enemy that you have created out of thin air to attempt to i dont know, troll, or make yourself look very unhinged.