Pitch - antagrolling ssd at terminal

Username: Pitch

Ban reason: antagrolling ssd at terminal
Length of ban: 1,440 min
Ban Issue:
I did not do what I was banned for

Vote Opt-Out: true

Events leading to the ban

I jumped into a round as sec for my first time it went well and as the next round was starting I was kicked and when I went to log in it said I was banned for that and idek what it means

Reason the ban should be removed

I didnt do it

Alternate Accounts

I have none

Logs indicate you late joined round 59466 as a botanist for 37 seconds before disconnecting and not returning.

This is only long enough time to see if you rolled an antag and then leave. Not only is that something that is against the rules, it also prevents other players who would interact with the round from playing the role you took.

The ban has already expired.

Added appeal-rejected and removed appeal-pending

My apologies if you got a bunch of extra notifications. There’s still some growing pains with the new forums (they’re my skill issues).

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