Ban reason:Just says I am banned from this role Length of ban:I do not know Ban Issue: I do not know why I was banned
Events leading to the ban
Not really sure, I played CMO and QM recently, I went cryo a couple times but I let command and my dep know ( I really needed to rush away from the computer at those times), was it this?
I found the reason in admin remarks. Says as CMO I demanded the pda of a doctor for not responding on comms, then when they refused I demanded that they be demoted. I see the confusion. I assume that is what they said what happened. But this is not true. What happened was that I asked them to pick a bed to treat patients on, they refused and called me an idiot. Later I tried to talk to them to sort out the issue by trying to ask them to talk to me in my office but I couldnt even talk to them as they just ran around, I then told them they were fired. 1) Refusal to follow a simple order, 2) avoiding even talking to me at all by running around and 3) calling me an idiot, is why I wanted them demoted. In the rules of the server it says that “acceptable behaviour” is that you are allowed to disagree with the orders given by leaders, but to still follow them if they arent dangerous, and “against the rules” behaviour is to refuse to follow orders given if they arent dangerous. In this sense reason 1) refusal of order is the main reason and 2) The name calling and 3) avoidance of talking to me were secondary reasons that only added to this. So far I have only dicussed the demand for demotion. I had to get sec to tell them to hand over their pda, they refused and then refused arrest, leading to more stuff ill not get into right now as this is a seperate issue and I believe only escalated the situation but can be seen as seperate. Im not sure how I could have handled this differntly, as initially I wanted them to talk to me first to address the issue, but they made this not possible, and if I cant give my staff orders or even talk to them about the issue then I dont know what to do except for what I did. In this regard I would also like some advice for the future if I am in a leader role again for if my staff just refuse to listen to me.