RaccoonGoneRight - The ban reason is: "raider : started a trit fire in evac"

Username: RaccoonGoneRight

Ban reason: The ban reason is: "raider : started a trit fire in evac" .
Length of ban: Indefinite
Ban Issue:
The ban is fair, but I would like a second chance or reduction

Vote Opt-Out: true

Events leading to the ban

Well, the situation was as follows, an engineer suddenly barges into the shuttle, dragging a can full of a gas unknown to me, and, out of sheer curiosity, oblivious to any potential danger its leak might pose, i cranked it up, and released it, flooding the whole shuttle in flames.
Already quite tired, i had to go once the above mentioned event was but the near past.

Reason the ban should be removed

I admit, it is something obviously wrong to do, especially in a place like that, and i understand why rules reinforce punishment against such acts.
SS14 is a game i absolutely love, its complexity, story telling potential, and always this one more promising update around the corner, i simply adore this all, and sometimes push myself to play, well, tired, hence my poor impulse control, however, in order to continue practicing this interest, i am willing to work on myself, in order to prevent such accidents from ever happening again.
Apologize i do, and hope for merciful consideration, we are all human, mistakes happen, and they should be corrected, i understand that.

Alternate Accounts

Appeal accepted.

Ideally no one should be bringing any Air canisters aboard evac, but when done there should be little reason to release despite the temptation. I do find it odd that it was a VERY obvious green tritium canister and not a yellow unlabeled canister.

I’m going to give you the benefit of the doubt and unban you in this instance.

Added appeal-accepted and removed appeal-pending