Discord account: gork.mork
Date of ban: today
Events leading to the ban: so I was sick of people bitching about engineers despite said users not olaying engineer. I go to the discord and I talk about it and say “if you don’t play engineer you’re not black” quoting our president in a joking manner. Then the trans flag PFP user whose name I don’t know took offense to that. I then asked if this was Nazi Germany, and they booted me.
Reason the ban should be removed: what kind of society do we live in where I can’t quote the literal president. I was gonna drop it and move on but then I was banned. This is an overreaction and I had 0 intentions of triggering people. That staffer needs to take a chill pill. There was even a guy helping me explain it. I just wanted to talk to the other people in the server and make friends. Nobody but the staffer seemed upset.