Ban Reason: Self-antag and evading AHelp
Ban Time: 10,00 minutes
Events leading to ban : It was the end of the round at Evac, I saw a fuel tank on the ship, I didn’t want someone to blow it up so I tried using a circular saw to break it and spill the fuel instead. I have done this before but either it got changed in an update or it was the saw but instead of breaking it blew up. I got spooked and alt+f4ed out of a childish sense of guilt.
I know I should have stayed or at least rejoined and talked with admins but at this point it was roughly 3 am and I wanted to head to bed.
While I know I made a mistake in leaving the game instead of explaining the situation with admins, I feel 10,000 minutes is too harsh, I hope to at least have the time reduced as I don’t want one dumb mistake I made to cost me this sever.