ShadowShibbi - Banned - Sent a Discord Message

SS14 account username: ShadowShibbi
Ban reason: Metacomms, I sent a discord message to someone else on the station. 
Date of ban: 6/13/23
Length of ban: I could not see a specified length, leads me to believe it is permanent. 
Events leading to the ban: I was playing as botanist that round. I was growing plants, and labeled some buckets I took to chem, hoping they would fill them with what was labeled on the bucket. (they did), a bit later I noticed that one of the chem guys I’d played before and had his discord (relevant for later). I was mutating all of my plants, and at some point, even with copious amounts of fertilizer, my plants would go unhealthy, and die on me. I was getting quite frustrated as a botanist, being unable to grow plants that I went to turn myself in to security, saying I might do something rash because of my frustration. They laughed in my face and told me to go elsewhere. I started plotting, I gathered some equipment from around maintenance, and started prepping. I recalled getting knockout foamed a few rounds ago, and it seemed pretty harmless, and I figured it’d be a funny way to vent my frustration. Here’s where I F’d up. I decided to send the chem a discord msg asking for a bit of foam in some of the buckets I had left there, I didn’t get a response back, but sure enough, a bit later, there was foam there. Most of the people were gathered in the bar, and I thought it would be funny to foam us. I was not at all expecting the radius the foam would produce, since when I was foamed, it was only 1-2 squares wide. This foam, damn near filled the entire bar. A few people got knocked out, and since the RD was throwing foam grenades earlier, everyone started pointing fingers at him. I took this chance to borrow the captain’s ID so I could run to the hop office and alter some of my permissions so I wasn’t stuck in botany with dying plants. (hop denied me salvage perms at the start). After I altered my perms, I placed the cap’s ID on the bridge, and left. Chief_Engineer then messaged me in the admin console why I foamed everyone even though I wasn’t an antagonist role. I explained my reasoning to him, and thought I was quite in character, although if I had known the foam could kill (I put two people in crit) I would not have used it. In the end, I ended up getting banned, and then received a msg from the chem saying I got him banned as well. 
Reason the ban should be removed: I understand that metacomms is a detrimental part of the gaming experience now, as much as I love playing this game, I feel one offense shouldn’t be bannable but it is completely understandable considering the nature of the offense. You guys don’t really have a way to monitor metacomms, and you risk potential abusers when you unban for this reason (not that I am one). As much as I would like to plead for my own unban, that’s not entirely why I’m here posting this. Truth be told, I feel like an absolute dickhead for the chem getting banned. I hate that I decided to send him that message, and never would have had I known it would get him banned. I know I probably won’t be let off the hook that easy, all I can really ask for is to consider this apology, and perhaps unban my fellow space stationeer. I don’t think he deserves getting banned for what is obviously my own mistake. I don’t know his ingame tag, but his character as chem was named Skylar. Sorry for making y’all read this block of text, but I felt I should explain as well as I can. Thanks again to the admin team, for keeping the space station clean. 

Due to your attempt to evade your ban, you are banned indefinitely. You may appeal your ban, but only at least 6 months after your last ban evasion attempt, and only with a voucher of good behavior from another SS13/SS14 server.

A voucher of good behavior should be obtained from a well-known or decently active SS13/SS14 server. If it is a mainstream server, we recommend using that server’s admin-help to ask for a voucher from one of the administrators explaining that you are trying to appeal a ban on SS14’s Wizard’s Den and want to show you have been a problem-free player during your playtime on the server. A voucher should be indicative of at least a few months of play. If the voucher is not from a mainstream server, let us know and we will figure out a way to verify it.

From Rejected to Ban Appeals