Username: Sharquisha
Ban reason: "Being Incredibly Toxic to other players in dead chat"
Length of ban: Indefinite
Ban Issue:
The ban is fair, but I would like a second chance or reduction
Vote Opt-Out: false
Events leading to the ban
This ban occurred on Salamander on 10/30/24 (the whitelist MRP). The background/context to it was my friend and I were playing engineers. Once we finished setting up solars and power we decided to rebuild the syndie puddle and make it usable. We waited until science had researched shuttlecraft, got the required mats, and got to work. It was working great and we decided to fly around and have fun spookin people. He then had the great idea to place field emitters an shield generators on the front to fling space carp and crap into deep space. (It was linked to a lever thing so we could shut off when need be). We wanted to test to see how far we could launch each other with it so we both had GPS’s. The cargo shuttle kept ramming us so we stopped to see what was goin on. Turns out three skeletons had commandeered the cargo shuttle and were coming to steal ours. One was in the Ripley and the others were armed with basic weaponry. They then proceeded to slaughter us and leave our bodies in space. We were unable to kill any since the one in the Ripley did the front assault. Understandably I was upset since it took around 40-50 min to fully build it. Now yes I will admit I was using strong language and in hindsight wasn’t the smartest choice. But since none of the skele’s had died, they couldn’t see it so mostly I was just complaining to the other ghosts/observers. Next thing I knew I got disconnected. No warning, no admin message, nothing. No slurs were used, not derogatory terms, just f-bombs, Bh st. I did call them b***es. (btw the reason there was so many skeles is because the admins were throwing an event(?) where the gamemode was set to survival, correct me if im wrong pls) I wasn’t able to see what ended up happening after I got killed because I got disconnected pretty quickly. If my memory serves me correctly that should be everything.
Reason the ban should be removed
The ban should be removed or reduced (In my opinion) because while yes I did curse them out and said things I shouldn’t have. I feel that a player should be allowed to voice their frustration (Not to the extent that I did tho I realize) and also because I received no warning, admin message, or such. I feel to make it fair, it should be reduced instead of fully removed because while what I did was wrong and I apologize for it, I don’t think it should be an indefinite ban. Also since this is my first (and hopefully only/last) infraction/kick/ban. That’s my appeal reasoning.