SS14 account: shrekonvhs
Character name: Brad Armstrong
Type of Ban: Game
Date of Ban and Duration: Perma
Reason for Ban: Inappropriate humor
Server you were playing on when banned: Lizard
Your side of the story: Crayoned (as a clown) “we kill homosex” outside of security with an arrow pointing to the security office
Why you think you should be unbanned: I can understand the ban if you felt it violated the rules, but a perma? That’s a bit much. Overall I’m a helpful player who doesn’t cause much trouble, at least intentionally.
Just checking on my status. If you guys still need time to figure it out or need further details, let me know. Thanks in advance.
This appeal is denied because you don’t seem to recognize that you did anything wrong here. If you were not a player who caused trouble, you would not be here.
You can reappeal two weeks from now (Nov 29).
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