Space Law Should only have Crime Codes OR Colors

Crime codes have been added to the Crime Guide for Space Law, problem is it conflicts with the colors.

According to the wiki: * Crime codes are organized by a Category Code (_-xx) which is a collection of non-stackable crimes on a row, prefixed by the Severity Number (X-__).

Animal Cruelty and Failure To Comply are both X-00 crimes. I got clarification from an admin you’re still supposed to follow the colors though so I propose changing the codes as such:

Move Disturbance and Rioting to X-06
Animal Cruelty: 1-07
Kidnapping: 4-08
Assault, Attempted Murder, and Prevention of Revival: X-05a
Manslaughter, Murder, and Mass Murder: X-05b

This would match the current colors and I feel would make it more clear which ones are stackable and which aren’t.

Added wizden-servers

I feel like as a general matter of best practice, colours shouldn’t be used as the main way to distinguish things, so the codes should probably convey that information somehow.

Fixed with Wizard's Den server rules: Many minor updates

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In Progress → Done

Space Law: Crime Listing

Crime codes are organized by a Category Code (_-xx) which is a collection of non-stackable crimes on a row, prefixed
by the Severity Number (X-__).

That does help but my main problem was that this is right under crime listings but is just, not true.

Linked crimes are shown in matching colors, and usually on the same row.

Was what was there before, so just removing the part about non-stackable crimes in a row or at least making it clear that is only mostly is would fix the problem.

Done → In Progress

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fixed for real now I think

In Progress → Done

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