Spiritdetective1888 - Lying in ahelp, self-antag. History of self-antag. Lying in ahelp about poisoning others

Username: spiritdetective1888

Ban reason: Lying in ahelp, self-antag. History of self-antag. Lying in ahelp about poisoning others.
Length of ban: Indefinite
Ban Issue:
I did what I was banned for, but the ban is unreasonably harsh

Vote Opt-Out: false

Events leading to the ban

I got into chems as a medical doctor and asked a chemist to drink chlorine when he was being mean and ordering me around and when he said no I jokingly tried to feed him the jug of chlorine once and when he walked away I didn’t do it after that. I shortly after rolled syndicate and used chlorine to inject people to try and kill them. Admin asked me why i was feeding people chlorine and i was kind of confused and said i didnt, because i didn’t even recall it but he said i was a liar and i thought he was referring to me injecting people with chlorine. So he banned me for lying to him in ahelp.

Reason the ban should be removed

I mean I did try and feed someone chlorine but I feel like banning me indefinitely for that is a stretch. It’s also said that I have a history of self-antag but my last note of that would’ve been like 6-7 months ago when I got banned last I’m pretty sure. This would be my first time in ages anything like this has come up, and i feel like me jokingly telling someone to drink chlorine wouldn’t really constitute serious self-antag. He said i was lying in ahelp but idk they were tryna get me to remember something that i didn’t even really recall happening and that’s the honest truth, he said i was trying to feed someone chlorine but i assumed it was just a misinput but then he told me i told someone to drink the chlorine and i didn’t even think or remember myself doing that cause of how minor it was. I get it if I upset someone, but I didn’t really have malicious intentions in ahelp or whatever. I just feel like an indefinite ban is too severe for what i actually did.

Alternate Accounts

So, you do have a bunch of notes that are on the cusp of expiring related to RDM and the such.

I’ve already unbanned you once personally for your last appeal.

I’m going to do it again, but you’re kind of running out of strikes here.

Added appeal-accepted and removed appeal-pending

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