Sqidy999 - The ban reason is: "Incompetance as a Security Cadet and repeat over-escalation offense. Beat a prisoner to death and then kept hitting the corpse after the prisoner said "hit me more"."

Username: Sqidy999

Ban reason: The ban reason is: "Incompetance as a Security Cadet and repeat over-escalation offense. Beat a prisoner to death and then kept hitting the corpse after the prisoner said "hit me more"."
Length of ban: It ends Thursday, October 3
Ban Issue:
I did not do what I was banned for

Vote Opt-Out: false

Events leading to the ban

I was patrolling the station as security when I decided to head to the bar. I saw that the kitchen was damaged, and the front counter was destroyed. So, I question the bartenders and the Botanist to see what happened. The Botanist had reports of being detained for questioning, but no one found any evidence, but they still suspected him. So, I decided to question him, and he told me that there was a body in the freezer. I went down to the kitchen to find the freezer locked and I left the Botanist with one of the cadets. I couldn’t find the chef and decided to get a engineer to break down the door. But on the way to engineering a Nijia attacked me and stole my Id. But luckily for me the head of medical was walking down the hallway and found my body. So, he dragged me to medical to get me healed up and then I got banned.

Reason the ban should be removed

I didn’t do the crime so I shouldn’t pay the time, I am also not a security cadet but a security officer.

Alternate Accounts

I only have one account, the same account I logged into.

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Closing as expired.

Added appeal-rejected and removed appeal-pending