Staff vote - shorten period until appealable - Campbelle1000

SS14 account: Campbelle1000
Character name: Bella camp
Type of Ban: Game ban
Date of Ban and Duration: Ban date : 05/03/22 at a 12:45 PM EST. Duration : 3 months until appeal
Reason for Ban: staff vote on me taking a break
Server you were playing on when banned: I was on Lizard at the time it happened, US west.
Your side of the story: I was playing one day doing nothing wrong and then I got kicked by console and then trying to rejoin got the message
Why you think you should be unbanned: Personally I think the time until appealable should be a month and a half - Two months, This is because July is my birthday month and By then I promise on all that I can I will behave better then before, I will not be returning now, But rather when I am able to appeal, I will bring back myself to the community in a much nicer form then I have been in the past, I do not feel as if it was unfair and understand your reasoning behind it.
Anything else we should know: I have contacted a therapist and we will begin sessions soon to hopefully help with my behavior even more, if enough time has passed and I don’t feel as if therapy is not working I will not appeal until it is working as to minimize my chances of having an outburst again, I will also remove myself from the room or game if I feel as if I am getting a bit too excited or mad and will return when I am feeling better in the future.

We are denying this due to the fact we already agreed on the timing, and we are not adjusting it. You have caused us a serious amount of trouble and should be entirely disengaging with our community during your ban.

From Rejected to Ban Appeals

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