SteveFromWork - Self-antagging (lube-bombing sec after a previous lube bomb was cleaned), recent history of self-antagging

Username: SteveFromWork

Ban reason: Self-antagging (lube-bombing sec after a previous lube bomb was cleaned), recent history of self-antagging.
Length of ban: 12 Hours
Ban Issue:
I did what I was banned for, but the ban is unreasonably harsh

Vote Opt-Out: true

Events leading to the ban

In this round I late joined round as a passenger and was going around checking out the station looking for something to do. I ended up running into a chemist, that was gonna to cryo, that offered me a lube bomb. After looking around the station more for a “good” place to lube bomb, i noticed that security had already been lube bombed and a janitor had just arrived to clean it. Thinking it would be a funny situation for security to get cleaned to immediately get lubed bombed right after, and seeing that it seemed like security wasn’t that busy as i noticed several officers hanging around security, i ended up following the janitor in and lube bombing sec. After that i used the mag boots i tided earlier, to allow me to ferry sec from their entrance to the brig and back. It was at this point that i was messaged by Hazel, whom informed me of the severity of what i had done, telling me the station was in red alert and it was not the time for pranks on security. After that I assisted the janitor in finding a cleaning grenade so they could clean up the mess i made and then I was banned.

Reason the ban should be removed

I know that my actions sometimes toe the line of self-antag and that messing with security is self-antag, but i feel this ban was unreasonably harsh for what ended up being a harmless prank on security. As i late joined i didn’t realize the station was in red alert and after travelling around for 15 minutes or so I saw no active threats, the station seemed intact, most security i saw were seemingly wandering about or hanging out at sec, and overall things seemed slow on the station. So, i thought that playing a prank on security would not be a massive hinderance to them, especially if i assisted them on moving through the lube pile and seeing as there was a janitor right there to clean it up when security yells at them to.

Additionally, Hazel brings up my “recent history” of self-antag which they told me was for breaking into security and hacking their vendor, but if i remember correct that happened months ago and several hundreds of hours of playtime ago. Since that warning i have corrected my behavior and have never broken into sec and messed with their vendor or gear since then as a non-antag unless i have good reason to (Ex. warops).

Getting to my point, I feel like the ban was unreasonably harsh. Even if what i did was technically self-antag, I feel like a warning, at most, would have been more appropriate. Even then, it was a completely harmless prank that very temporarily inconvenienced security. As far as admin remarks that i can see (assuming i remember correctly) i have not received any remarks in the last couple of months and several hundred hours of gameplay. Additionally, whenever i have been warned about poor behavior i have tried my best to correct my mistakes and improve as a player. Even for rules that don’t exist anymore, like power gaming, i still follow the advice i was given. Overall, I don’t believe i will get unbanned before it is over, but wish to have the ban expunged from my account as i would not want it to negatively impact me in the future.

Alternate Accounts

Added appeal-rejected and removed appeal-pending

Rejecting. Ban expired and this is the minimum ban period.

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