Stevietv123 Banned for throwing gernade

SS14 account: stevietv123

Character name: Eric Davis
Type of Ban: Job ban (command)
Date of Ban and Duration: 8/18/2022 12 hour ban.
Reason for Ban:  throwing grenade before round ended
Server you were playing on when banned: lizard
Your side of the story: so I don’t exactly remember this though I probably did throw a grenade  before round ended because it sound like something I would do…
Why you think you should be unbanned: ok the thing is I’m pretty sure I did throw the grenade but I don’t believe that that required a perma ban. though I do see why he did it i still think it was a little harsh to ban me from command permanently especially when I was still relatively new to the game at the time.
Anything else we should know: no nothing else exept for my other ban

Do not open multiple appeals for the same ban. I’m closing the old one.

User just got gamebanned, closing this.

From Rejected to Ban Appeals