Testicular_man - "Inappropriate Chat. Appeal at forum.ss14.io"

Username: testicular_man

Ban reason: "Inappropriate Chat. Appeal at forum.ss14.io"
Length of ban: Appeal Only
Ban Issue:
The ban is fair, but I would like a second chance or reduction

Vote Opt-Out: false

Events leading to the ban

i am not quite sure why i did what i did. It was around 4:00 AM US time, my only excuse is that i was sleep deprived but i know that is not a valid excuse. I had recently died and was a newbie so i didn’t know cloning coudn’t be done on someone who had taken a ghost role or left, I took a P.A.I. and started yelling “If you fuck a duck in the muck you will get a S.T.I.”, after i was removed from the PAI by its owner i took another PAI of that same owner and repeated the same phrase again. I was then banned for Innappropriate Chat.

Reason the ban should be removed

I have been banned from Wizards Den for about 4 years now, my first and most recent appeal was around 1 year ago. I believe i have had ample time to learn from my mistakes and have improved as a player. I understand if you make me wait longer as it may have made other players uncomfortable due to the tones of beastiality, but i personally believe that I am ready to be a player on this server once-more

Alternate Accounts

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This has been put to an admin discussion and vote of which we have come to the consensus to remove the ban.

The reasons provided in the discussion for this decision were the following:

  • Very old.
  • Previous behavior.

Appeal Accepted - Ban Removed.

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Added appeal-accepted and removed appeal-pending

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