Username: thatguy915
Ban reason: Salamander 75840. ERP/exploits. Various ERP emotes and a large amount of the round attributed to a romantic relationship with Happyman442. You may appeal on the forums
Length of ban: Indefinite
Ban Issue:
I did what I was banned for, but the ban is unreasonably harsh
Events leading to the ban
The round was an admeme where there was a bunch of borgis around. Gloose was working science which it did up until the lathes got bombed and the only remaining part of the department to work in was robotics. However Gloose as a character has an irrational phobia of dogs. So Gloose spent the round with Happyman442’s character Francis Fields for the round as there was not much else for it to do. As for the sharing exploit part, I showed how the layering issue works and how to guarantee you end up above or behind the objects. As for various ERP emotes I think I did kisses Francis on the cheek, once.
Reason the ban should be removed
I was given no warning, there is a strong reason for why I spent most of the round with Happyman442.