TheButteryJoke - "Lizard 74076. Used R-slur. When confronted, said it was justified. Went on to repeat the slur in AHelp, Also proceeded to make homophobic remarks towards Staff. You may appeal this on the forums."

Username: TheButteryJoke

Ban reason: "Lizard 74076. Used R-slur. When confronted, said it was justified. Went on to repeat the slur in AHelp, Also proceeded to make homophobic remarks towards Staff. You may appeal this on the forums."
Length of ban: Indefinite
Ban Issue:
I did what I was banned for, but the ban is unreasonably harsh

Vote Opt-Out: false

Events leading to the ban

I was playing as a syndicate, I had one objective to take the handheld crew monitor, and I did that rather quickly. A while later some skeleton CE comes up to me asking if I had it and I told him I did, he lured me into the CE room saying he had TC and at that point I already knew he was gonna kill me or some shit. He did kill me and proceeded to gib me to try to find the crew monitor from my storage implant, and he didn’t even get the handheld crew monitor. In frustration I said in dead chat “This guy is actually retarded.” Not even a minute after some admin starts following my ghost and I got an admin message. I further said that my use for him as retarded was correct as he went through all that trouble thinking he was going to get the crew monitor off me when it was inside of my storage implant. The admin then said something about no exceptions for my use of the slur and while still frustrated with this some what bull shit ban reasoning I proceeded to call the admin a faggot.

Reason the ban should be removed

I never use slurs like this to players directly, I thought it was a lot more appropriate to say this in dead chat cause the dude couldn’t even hear me. I don’t say this while I’m actually alive and interacting with players in the game and going further I won’t. That is why I was frustrated with the instant admin message for me just expressing myself, I know language like that isn’t tolerated but that how I felt at the moment. Going forward I won’t use slurs towards anyone in the game and I won’t and never have directly insulted staff until this incident.

Alternate Accounts TheButteryJoke - “Lizard 74076. Used R-slur. When confronted, said it was justified. Went on to repeat the slur in AHelp, Also proceeded to make homophobic remarks towards Staff. You may appeal this on the forums.”

You also directly called the admin in question a slur when you were Ahelped.

I’m going to give you one more chance. If you repeat the same reason for your ban, you will be recieving a voucher ban in place of this indefinite ban.

Added appeal-accepted and removed appeal-pending

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