SS14 account username: Tritn
Ban reason: Another person was banned on discord for trolling other people and decided to call this a powertrip without knowing what even occured and then go in circles in ahelp.
Date of ban: 4/19/23
Length of ban: Appeal Ban
Events leading to the ban: says it in the reason
Reason the ban should be removed: I feel like the project manager is really showing their powertrip by banning me for just as little as saying something like that. They continue to say we went in circles in Ahelp though they messaged me first. I asked what happened on their side to see justification and they said no and then they continued saying “if mods ban people for shitting on others dont call it a powertrip or im including you in the future”. I did a smirky remark saying “lol” then got banned. I think its a powertrip at that point not gonna lie.
23 minutes ago, Tritn said:
Ban reason: Another person was banned on discord for trolling other people and decided to call this a powertrip without knowing what even occured
We think people that yell powertrip with no justification or understanding of what’s going on are not the type of people we would like to interact with.
EDIT: This was brought down to a three day ban. You can wait it out.
From Rejected to Ban Appeals