Username: UNboundedS0lid
Ban reason: In round 50064, you used the term 'retard'. You have been banned twice before for this exact issue previously. We consider it a slur and using slurs is against the rules
Length of ban: Indefinite
Ban Issue:
The ban is fair, but I would like a second chance or reduction
Vote Opt-Out: true
Events leading to the ban
I haven’t looked back at the round, but I don’t doubt that at the time I did type it in haste.
Reason the ban should be removed
It has been around more than 6 months since this has happened. I took some much needed time away and played some other games to set myself straight with using the “r” slur and to get better at RP. I did deserve the ban, I am just humbly asking to come back for another chance. If I have to restart my hours entirely that is ok, I would just like a second chance at wizards den. It’s a nice place and I didn’t realize what I was throwing away essentially with a simple insult or bad descriptor.
If I stay permanently banned I understand, and enjoyed the time I had.