WardenCommisar - Spaceism

Username: WardenCommisar

Ban reason: Spaceism
Length of ban: Indefinite from early 2023
Ban Issue:
The ban is fair, but I would like a second chance or reduction

Vote Opt-Out: false

Events leading to the ban

If I remember correctly (and I might not) I was messing around with chatgpt and other text generative tools like infernkit at the time . i was copying stuff from the ladder of theese things and it said some nasty things against lizards. i tried to play it off with ahelp but to no avail

Reason the ban should be removed

i think what i did was unfunny &dumb and i kinda stuck around the game for much longer then i thought i would and i would like to play the official servers again

Alternate Accounts


On 2023-02-25 you were also banned for ban evasion under the account name RhodokSansculotte. This account last attempted to connect on 2023-02-25.

Due to your attempt to evade your ban, you are banned indefinitely. You may appeal your ban, but only at least 6 months after your last ban evasion attempt, and only with a voucher of good behavior from another SS13/SS14 server.

A voucher of good behavior should be obtained from a well-known or decently active SS13/SS14 server. If it is a mainstream server, we recommend using that server’s admin-help to ask for a voucher from one of the administrators explaining that you are trying to appeal a ban on SS14’s Wizard’s Den and want to show you have been a problem-free player during your playtime on the server. A voucher should be indicative of at least a few months of play. If the voucher is not from a mainstream server, let us know and we will figure out a way to verify it.

Added appeal-rejected and removed appeal-pending

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