Simple summary of old conterversy:
Basically a bunch of admins of that servers decided to
1.Harassing supporters and stuff
2.Allowed minors on ERP
3.Allowed minors in 18+section of their discords
4.Had active developer of paid cheat tools on their council
5.DOX attempts(as result of beingh told “ITS TIME TO STOP”). Tried to fish for SSN.
6.There was an attempted conspiracy for stabbing before i got nuked from discord for typing “Over a videogame? Are you people insane?”
That`s old conterversy and old server removal from launcher.
New one is here. And all said here is pretty much true
Issue is people try to combine both together to make devs look tyrannical(there was a bit of questionable things in a past).
But that aint it chief. It`s all pretty much justified. At least in current cases