Why is blunt the only way to gib?

I feel like slash damage absolutely should still end up gibbing bodies maybe even faster than blunt at least from a logical standpoint. The only reason I can think of why this isn’t a thing is maybe because slash will be tied to dismemberment in the future? Either way it would still make sense for enough slash damage to gib a body in my opinion.

Theres multiple ways to destroy a body. A meatspike is used to butcher humanoid corpses, or a knife for non humanoid ones. Enough heat damage will ash a corpse. You can also throw one into an emagged recycler or biomass reclaimer.

Gibbing specifically refers to beating a body to an unrecognizable, bloody pulp. In my opinion, blunt force and explosives match this perfectly.

main issue with these is that most do not give the brain, only gibbing, so if you’re working in robotics the best answer to borg someone is to beat them with a toolbox. Obviously woundmed would change this, but in the mean time there should be an easier way to gib someone. I think a reasonable solution would be to make it rely on brute damage instead of purely blunt, and make it so having a corpse on an autopsy table doubles brute damage dealt to it.

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