Why is security so miserable to play? What can be done about it?

Unfortunately no, a lot of the stuff there would be super hard to enforce with rules so a lot of it is just up to individual players to practice, like:

Those are just a few of the things that we can’t really require players to do with rules.

I’ve heard mixed things but typically what I’ve heard is that it did not, or at least there’s not nearly as much of a difference as there used to be. I stopped adminning much after becoming headmin so I don’t have the personal experience to be able to tell for myself if I feel it’s changed or how much.

For the same reason as the last question, this is a little hard for me to answer, but the main thing I think I saw when I used to admin a lot was security players having trouble finding a middle ground. Don’t let crewmembers run around with weapons and syndicate gear, but also you probably don’t need to brig someone for 10 minutes just because you took something away from them. A lot of this can probably be fixed, or at least helped, with space law.

Security is one of the only non-antag roles on the station that can force someone to have to interact with them, and people aren’t always going to want to. Sometimes you’ll have to force people to interact with you when they don’t want you so that you can do your job, but just keep in mind that even if it isn’t considered to be in the rules or space law, making someone interact with you for a long time can feel like a punishment to the other player. Basically just avoid forcing a player to interact with you unless you actually need to.

Wardens and HOSs can probably do more than the average secoff, because the experienced players who are trying are probably not the issue with security, it’s probably the combination of new players who need to be taught better and players who just don’t care and need to be demoted if they don’t act better.

It’s really important for me to reiterate that there might be times when some or all of this doesn’t apply, and these might not be the biggest issues happening with security right now.

This I think is all about making it as easy as possible for players to play “correctly”, and not being too harsh on mistakes. Everyone is going to make mistakes sometimes, everyone is going to have awful rounds, sometimes their mistakes will be responsible for making the round awful for everyone. It’s really easy to start metagrudging players if that happens, but you should do your best not to.

Assume anyone doing something dumb is just new, even if you know that they’re not, because even if they’re not new, they might not have had someone try to teach or help them yet.

Give people nudges in the right direction. If someone is using emotes to bypass chat restrictions, act like they’re contorting their body like crazy or something and respond to that instead of whatever they’re trying to say. If someone says “the admins gave me a cookie” IC, imagine someone said that to you irl an ask them what they’re talking about or something. Responding IC is something that you can do regardless of if something is technically a rule violation to nudge them in the right direction, and that you can do even if you ahelp someone.

Mechanical changes can probably help here more than they can with security behavior, but I can’t really point to a lot of things I’d like to see without being more active in-game. When I was active, pepper spray, brig timers, and the gulag were things I wanted security to have to be able to be more effective, but how that changes things depends on how security uses those tools. Brig timers were added, and I don’t know if they helped, but just as an example, they obviously wouldn’t help if security officers frequently set really high brig timers as a joke

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