Username: Xexzersy
Ban reason: slurs (R word) not the racist one + inappropriate / immature behavior in OOC post round
Length of ban: Indefinite (very long) :o
Ban Issue:
The ban is fair, but I would like a second chance or reduction
Vote Opt-Out: false
Events leading to the ban
I was mad that my favorite map (saltern) was removed from rotation as I am of the opinion that just because something is outdated doesn't mean that it has to be outright removed, nor dose it mean that its no longer fun. (I still stand by this) Just wait till its updated then update it, I'm quite patient (dont know about others) I can wait a week or a month or whatever for someone competent to find the time, its no issue.
Also slightly displeased recent changes to atmospherics (minor, but a reason why I acted the way I did) maybe the cool things I liked about being able to put things like scrubbers and radiators on top of each other will become possible if/when layers get added. Limited plasma in the storage tank dose not bother me much anymore. (I know you guys are going to check old discord messages that would make you think im a dick) Not being able to stack filters on top of pipes makes ferzon mixers more engaging.
If you guys want to balance frezon then make the value of frezon taper off so that you cant easily get cargo more than like 200k, they never use all the money anyway. To keep the incentive to make frezon. You could have sci and med have a use for it.
Science could use it to; for example dampen the affects of deep node reactions. Low concentrations could dampen the affects of environmental destruction and higher ones could completely negate things like station destruction (I think thats what its called) so that science could have fun and 'dig deep' and not kill everyone in the process and kill all of their momentum for the rest of the round.
Med could use it with conjunction with the condenser to make fancy chems that benefit the entire station. I don't know med well, and I recall some statement on not adding more meds.
Another thing that added to my behavior is the fact that you guys added a shock collar. (wtf?) Why would you add something like *that* when you could add something more thematic like "tranqleiser implant". I mean come on you guys know what I mean. No need to be freaky, I dont wanna have to hide the games i play from others IRL so that i dont get fucked by association, I mean its bad enough as it is; furries and whatnot. I was at a family event and told an older relative I play ss14 and he was hesitant to talk to me for the rest of the time. I mean please.
"why dont you code it yourself?"
I cant code and to my knowledge you contributors have professional experience and/or an education in it. Am also not to excited to contribute to something were adding shock collars was seen as a good idea.
"why dont you say this stuff on git?"
I feel like I will be ignored, waste my time and once again not to excited to contribute to something were adding shock collars was seen as a good idea.
"do you read git?"
Nah whole lotta yapping.
TLDR: Mad because contributions to game were/are ‘wack asf’, vented my frustrations like someone who is not 18. Got boinked (appropriate response to all caps insults in OOC) now i cri. + slurs (repeated offence)
***Note for contributors. Your time, your skills do with them what you wish, but i wanna have fun too.
this formatting bruh
Reason the ban should be removed
If you think im someone of good character then i guess you can unban me i don’t know.
I play Timothy Richardson on Vulture and occasionally Mirros if you care about that.
Apparently some people like how I play, others dont.