Username: Xm0x
Ban reason: You are connecting through a datacenter or a VPN.
Length of ban: Indefinite
Ban Issue:
I did not do what I was banned for
Vote Opt-Out: true
Events leading to the ban
I downloaded the game yesterday and when I tried to connect it told me that my ip was range-banned or something and it was used in raids or whatsoever, then when I tried today it said the same thing again but also it said that I should try connecting from another ip before joining from my main ip again so I thought I should use a VPN to have ‘another IP’ and that led to the VPN ban. I assure you that I am not in fact a bot or whatsoever trying to attack your servers.
Reason the ban should be removed
It should be removed because I’m no bot or nothing, just a new player trying to play and I get this shoved onto my face, I’m willing to wait calmly until things get resolved