Username: yosabby
Ban reason: "Speciesism against lizards"
Length of ban: Indefinite
Ban Issue:
The ban is fair, but I would like a second chance or reduction
Vote Opt-Out: false
Events leading to the ban
At the beginning of the round, myself and the other bartender were making drinks and putting them on the table, then a Lizard named Hacks the Borgs jumped over the counter and started assaulting us. We then started to shoot him with our shotguns until he ran away, I don’t think we actually hit him, our aim was very off. After this, we both individually and separately approached security to notify them about what happened. Security did nothing about it, and the same lizard came back and was hitting people again. Because security were ignoring us, I wanted to send the bar into lockdown. We started doing a bit about how there was a new bar rule that lizards couldn’t come to the bar. Security did not like this and they came to reprimand us over it. They took us to sec and I immediately said that I would drop the bit, if they took proper action against Hacks the borgs. They agreed and we dropped the bit. We got back to the bar, and started allowing lizards back. In fact, before I got the admin message about it, I was about to serve a lizard patron, I think you can see it in my chat logs if you have those as the last thing that I said.
Reason the ban should be removed
I totally concede that the bit went WAY too far, and it wont be repeated in future if my appeal is accepted. I wasn’t trying to be actually racist or anything, but I can understand why discriminating against lizards in RP can be harmful. If something like that happened again, I would try to find alternative RP ways to handle the situation. I dropped the Speciesism as soon as I was asked to by security and was ready to make drinks for any lizard patrons that came into the bar. I’m very sorry for breaking the rules, and I am sorry if I caused offence to the players in the server. I will refrain from harmful language like that in the future.