
Ban reason: [Antagrolling]
Length of ban: [10:080 minutes]
Events leading to the ban: [I had left a previous round because I got bored of playing low pop so I joined the higher pop server after waiting for the round to start, I got a phone call and had to get off the game, but I ghost before I left so people would no I was not coming back I guess when I was leaving I could not see the admin flying to me under the menu so I left before they could talk to me so I might have caused confusion for trying to evade admin and also because when I was new to the game I had a history of antagrolling and had a previous warning]
Reason the ban should be removed: [it was a miss understanding and I am fine if it’s not able to be removed but could be shortened]


but I ghost before I left so people would no I was not coming back

How does picking a ghost role indicate to people you are not coming back?

I did not pick a ghost role I left the sever and when you go into ghost mode it has the purple text 


This has been put to an admin discussion and vote of which we have come to the consensus to deny the appeal. The ban will run its course.

The reasons provided in the discussion for this decision were the following:

  • Previous history of same issues.

Appeal Denied - Ban to run its course.

From Rejected to Ban Appeals