Often I join a round that’s just started a minute ago and there’s zero open roles except passenger. New players get to join in newbie roles and have fun in a department of their choice, but even those are often closed.
Yes I can run to HOP, but that’s another 10 minutes or more of a round wasted for no reason.
Role counts need to be dynamic even if it leads to gear issues.
If you want to get a specific role, ready up. Do not wait for the round to start.
If it is a high demand role, then that is just how it is. But even then i get those like 30-50% of the time.
All roles are properly balanced for the max server population. But clown, for example, is intended to be one per station.
I understand you. But ss13 allready had something like this. We ended up with like 20+ botanist sometimes or a bunch of SEC(hi assassinate this sec guy, also there 20+ of them so they never alone. Good luck).
I had that today on MRP I late joined and there was 5 captain roles open and a captain already in game, I of course joined as a captain (the only time i’ve ever been captain) and it was a good time two caps moving together. splitting up sometimes, stopped a lone op. good times.
I can get where your coming from, however the bigger the station the more roles there will be. There is already a semi-dynamic set up that works which is based of the map.