Username: 8Brit
Character: Neesha-Ra
Character Race: Lizard
Character Description
Neesha-Ra is a slightly eccentric but optimistic lizard, determined to do her bit to help her community!
She has a tendency to refer to herself in third person, and speaks with general optimism and friendly demeanour. Even her shifts as a Security Cadet don’t diminish Neesha’s habit of trying to be the most helpful and approachable person she can be.
Carrying habits from her homeworld, Neesha often refers to her departmental bosses as “Chief” and does her utmost to appease them, unless their instructions clearly violate the intent of their department without good reason. She is rather reluctant to use lethal force unless the situation absolutely demands it, preferring to avoid injuring bystanders if at all possible.
Within a few years of working for NT, she has proven quite adaptable and able-bodied, and on more than a few occasions has cut short the plans of saboteurs and traitors (Usually being the only one in the room to notice when something is amiss).