SS14 account username: snikish
Ban reason: Speaking Russian. Sexual and political talk.
Date of ban: 03.11.2023
Length of ban: 30-60 minutes
Events leading to the ban: In short: sec was dragging someone and i saw that he(not sec) speaked russian. i folowed them to help with language barrier, this criminal said “americans sucks, i fucked their mouth”. Sec asked me what he was saying and a said what he said. Then they wanted me to say that his time is up, but he refused to leave and said “i am staying here to live”. Then after some time i left sec and was minding my own buisnes after some time i got banned.
Reason the ban should be removed: I am not denying that i was speaking russian, but it was only to help secs. Also all “Sexual and political talk” wasnt said by me i was just reporting it to sec.
p.s i have full video of events but it is to big, if you want it dm me in discord