Username: achi1l3s
Ban reason: (Summary) Ban for 2 weeks, self-antag and evading ahelp - Cuffing people during warops because "I kidnap people for fun"
Length of ban: 2 weeks
Ban Issue:
The ban is fair, but I would like a second chance or reduction
Vote Opt-Out: false
Events leading to the ban
Essentially, I created my character (Arthur Blick) to be sort of a “Joker” copy, and to generally annoy the station but not actually kill/disrupt the station’s advancement. Earlier today on round 69920 I makeshift cuffed and blindfolded a random person during nukeops, with the sole intent to leave them in a room alone and walk away. Sec saw me doing this, and cuffed me. Nukies eventually came, and shot me / everyone in the area dead. When I was dead, I told the person I kidnapped jokingly that I “kidnap people for fun” on the station. Admin saw this and said “hmm” as a ghost then disappeared. I waited for something to pop up, but nothing came, and then I had to leave the game because I had something urgent to do. I wasn’t trying to avoid ahelp because I had stuff to do, and I believe I should get a reduction of punishment, as I wasn’t trying to actually self-antag. Please consider this appeal, Wizden servers are the main ones I play on
Reason the ban should be removed
I genuinely had something urgent to do/wasn’t trying to avoid ahelp, and I feel I didn’t necessarily disrupt the station
Alternate Accounts