Achi1l3s - (Summary) Ban for 2 weeks, self-antag and evading ahelp - Cuffing people during warops because "I kidnap people for fun"

Username: achi1l3s

Ban reason: (Summary) Ban for 2 weeks, self-antag and evading ahelp - Cuffing people during warops because "I kidnap people for fun"
Length of ban: 2 weeks
Ban Issue:
The ban is fair, but I would like a second chance or reduction

Vote Opt-Out: false

Events leading to the ban

Essentially, I created my character (Arthur Blick) to be sort of a “Joker” copy, and to generally annoy the station but not actually kill/disrupt the station’s advancement. Earlier today on round 69920 I makeshift cuffed and blindfolded a random person during nukeops, with the sole intent to leave them in a room alone and walk away. Sec saw me doing this, and cuffed me. Nukies eventually came, and shot me / everyone in the area dead. When I was dead, I told the person I kidnapped jokingly that I “kidnap people for fun” on the station. Admin saw this and said “hmm” as a ghost then disappeared. I waited for something to pop up, but nothing came, and then I had to leave the game because I had something urgent to do. I wasn’t trying to avoid ahelp because I had stuff to do, and I believe I should get a reduction of punishment, as I wasn’t trying to actually self-antag. Please consider this appeal, Wizden servers are the main ones I play on

Reason the ban should be removed

I genuinely had something urgent to do/wasn’t trying to avoid ahelp, and I feel I didn’t necessarily disrupt the station

Alternate Accounts


This has been put to an admin discussion of which we have come to the consensus to remove the ban.

The reasons provided in the discussion for this decision were the following:

  • Review indicates no aHelp avoidance
  • Time for self antag time has had enough served.

​​​​​​​Appeal Accepted - Ban Removed.

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Added appeal-accepted and removed appeal-pending

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