Policies or Expectations Violated: Admin Policy: Misclicking too hard
Do you want this complaint to be made public after it is processed: Yes
Detailed Summary: I was given this note:
I don’t even have HoS unlocked, Im also pretty sure I was doing a mass shooting in medbay as a passanger that shift.
This has now been fixed, we can close it and thank you!
Thank you for your complaint, it has been accepted.
- Akamaithewolf is a trial admin
- A trialmin mentor determined that the note was placed on the wrong player
Resulting Actions
- The complaint was forwarded to trialmin mentors for review, resulting in finding 2
- Akamaithewolf was contacted about the complaint
- The note was removed from the complainant
Akamaithewolf asked that you be told that they’re sorry this happened.