SS14 account: alexxmaybe
Character name: Gary Grungle, Dorthy Lafortune
Type of Ban: Job ban on passanger role
Date of Ban and Duration: around 12:03 est
Reason for Ban: there was no ban screen, but i was informed it was because i was greytiding (destroying shit and fighting people)
Server you were playing on when banned: Lizard
Your side of the story: I accidently saved passanger as the only job role i could spawn as and i decided to make the most of it by just being a dickhead and breaking shit the entire shift
Why you think you should be unbanned: i’ll cut down on the greytiding and maybe not destroy as much shit, and i think me being a greytide is extremely important because its fun and
also is probably the only way i ever get traitor (other than nukie)
Anything else we should know: i won’t do it again