Allow Reporters to know how many people read their news

I like playing the reporter role and sharing news of different things, but sometimes it feels like I’m just writing to myself. It’d be very neat to be able to see in the news UI how many people read your different articles. To give us a small sense of worth!


Would be nice 100%
But might need a shimmy around on the PDA side of news to prevent the first news post getting 50+ with the most recent one getting like 5.
Just mirroring the selection for news UI editing/deletion would work fine imo.

Does sound like it would be very nice, especially on servers like Salamander and DeltaV!

Having a tab in the end round pop up window that shows that whole shifts articles would also be a nice way for people to catch up if they missed reading during the shift.

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would be funny if you can add reactions such as thumbs up or what ever to the news that you read on your PDA.

or even leave a comment!

that seems like it would be misused, though you could probably lessen that effect by adding chat messages between PDAs; or by adding a limit of one (1) comment per article and a character limit, otherwise just the reaction emotes sound like a good idea.

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Feedback, even a like or an emoji button would go very far for interaction.

Would adore this feature, I need clout even in-game!