Allow slotting in the glasses from Nearsighted trait into mission critical equipment

As the title says. Currently, people with nearsighted are essentially forced to chose between being able to see, or being able to use things like Medical HuDs or SEC Glasses.

I propose that these items can accept regular glasses so that they count for the nearsighted trait.

I swear I’m going to sue nanotransen for this.


As a nearsighted main, I think it’s a pretty unique downside to the trait that I constantly have to adjust to during the shift. It’s much worse of a trait than most people expect it to be, but I haven’t been unable to do my normal duties as a result of it.

It’s also a nice obvious way to tell if someone is short-sighted, if they’re wearing glasses over their normal eyewear. If you were just allowed to wear regular eyewear, it’s kinda the same as not having the trait at all imo.

while i have since calmed down from the circumstances that led to the creation of this post (As a cadet, i got stunned and gibbed by a traitor, and then was later told in OOC to just wear the sec glasses.) and i am still getting ready for that lawsuit, I still maintain that at least the Security glasses should be able to accept glasses so that officers and cadets are not prevented from doing their jobs.

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but surely at that point you just dont pick the trait no? I get the frustration but isn’t this the type of thing you sign up for by picking that trait?


It’d be kind of neat if you could craft them into prescription secglasses or something. or maybe those could be researched cheaply by sci?