AmbassadorPast - Insulting the moderators of the server

Discord Username: ambassadorpast
Ban reason: Insulting the moderators of the server
Ban Issue:
The ban is fair, but I would like a second chance or reduction

Events leading to the ban

I called the mods gay furry larpers in general, I cant remember the reasoning or what led up to it, but after that I was shortly banned

Reason the ban should be removed

It was nothing but immature from me, there really was no reason for that attempt of humour aside from me being more cocky and rude during that time. It almost sounds cliche to blame my younger self for these actions considering it wasn’t that long ago but I am still young then and now. I’m continuously learning and being a more humble person to everyone I meet, including those I’ve wronged in the past like the mod team.

I enjoyed my time in the server and I talked a lot in before my ban, I’d like another chance at it with a nicer tone this time.

Alternate Accounts

The moderation team has decided to lift this ban.

New → Done

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Added appeal-accepted and removed appeal-pending