Antag "jobs" should roll before job rolls?

For people who no know, when you pick x jobs for your characters and then join into a round you will first roll for your jobs (command jobs have priority and may be picked first) and then, if you didn’t roll sec or command, you have a chance of rolling antag.

This system is fine but it haves a mayor drawback which is at people (particularly the most robust players) will avoid playing command or sec so they can play antag 80% of the time and antag rollers will straight up never play those roles, this leads to more empty AND incompetent command and sec teams and we all know what kind of issues those can make.
Antags rolling first would have the next benefits and issues:


  • You will be able to play any role and still be able to roll any antag instead of just nukie.

  • Sec and command will be more picked and have more competent people on the job.

  • The increased amount of sec will mean at law can be enforced more easily and shitters won’t have the freedom they currently have.


  • Characters at only play sec and command still can’t roll antag.

  • Some people believe at this system may make it easier to metagame sec and command players when they roll antag (i am unsure of this one as this kind of metagaming exists already with the current system we have and it mainly happens whenever that one hos/sec character at played hos/sec 3 rounds in a row suddenly vanished without a trace, and this is worse with “famous” characters like Hugs-The-Void who don’t even play those roles often).

Note: Is worth mentioning at both of these drawbacks could be fixed if “sec and command only” characters are forced to have 2 or more civilian jobs active (and only if they have any antag roles on) for allow them to still roll antag while also reducing the chances of metagaming.

  • It will take some time to implement since i heard the job rolling code is wacky.

With this said, do we want to keep the current system or we should make antags roll first?

  • Antags roll before jobs
  • Antags roll after jobs
0 voters

Like armok said, benefits outweighs downsides by a large margin, sec can have its golden age and deal with shitters more effectively and not get killed alone in maints

I’d link this thread in case anyone else wants more opinion about rolling antag, although this one is more concerned about tackling the potential metagaming issue.

That said, I agree, antags should be rolled first before anything else. In my opinion, having this sort of brick wall between command/sec and antag exacerbates the issue of “command/sec/antag main” to begin with.

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