Anthahan - Ban Appeal

Ban reason: ERP
Length of ban: Permanent
Events leading to the ban: Violated a warden by trapping him in medical and typing sexual remarks.
Reason the ban should be removed: I very much do love these servers and have spent alot of time climbing the rank system. I sincerely want to apologise to the warden i had harassed. I will be more vigilent to what i do and type in game from now on.a

From Ban Appeals to Game Servers

After a thorough review and discussion amongst our administrative team, we regret to inform you that your account has been permanently banned from SS14’s Wizard’s Den. This decision stems from serious violations of our community standards, specifically your engagement in highly inappropriate role-play that breached our rules on conduct and safety.

This ban can not be appealed.
If you feel this ban was improperly handled, feel free to complain here.

Added appeal-rejected, appeal-server-ban and removed appeal-pending

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