Any tips for a newbie secoff?

As the title states, I would like any tips as I want to be a better secoff. :slight_smile:

You can be a better secoff in the sense that you fight better (a basic skill that is not necessarily required) or a better secoff in the sense that you don’t abuse your power and make the round more fun for others (which will actually be positive for the rest of the players).

The most common issue you’ll face as secoff is the stigma round the role and people probably griefing you for it.
Because sure, fighting a nukie is hard, but trying to arrest someone while the crew targets you specifically or people rage in OOC is another. And since secoff has a higher standard of RP, you can also get banned for missteps too.

Just make sure to read space law and think of the player in the other side of the character you’re dealing with. Your job is to deter shittery ICly. Not to punish players for playing the game.
So make sure you respect timers and don’t do stuff like leave players to die in a cell, perma someone when not warranted or abandon them when evac arrives.

Also, as the space law says, remember you can issue warnings or punishments on the spot for small crimes instead of killing some harmless fun by dragging people all the way to sec.

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Whilst Nancocks tips here are certainly useful I’d like to offer some more mechanical tips rather than the Roleplay or OOC tips Nan mentioned here.

  • Don’t hold your baton out constantly whilst chasing a player (or even just patrolling). Slips will make it fall out of your hand and usually into the player who slipped you. Only try to equip it when your in range.

  • Use the disabler if someone is using slips ALOT or if they have a melee weapon that can kill you quickly.

  • Stingers are basically stun grenades. Anybody caught in the blast will drop onto the floor as if they were stunned by a baton. Use them wisely but not excessively as they CAN kill.

  • Don’t forget you have a flash. Hitting someone with it will make them drop whatever they are hitting by additionally applying a short stun on the person. You can catch syndies with e-swords off guard by doing this. Do keep in mind though they wont work on those with sunglasses.

  • Stuns are effective on everyone. Even Nuclear Operatives. If you think you can pull it off with stuns, dont be afraid to commit.

  • Someone keeps on breaking out of their cell? Use Zipties. They dont require uncuffing by the detaining officer and break automatically making them useless when someone breaks out of them. Very useful as it provides a buffer time before they can move.

  • Don’t forget perma exists. Whilst you should not give out perma for the majority of cases if someone is particularly troublesome the option always exist if their sentence exceeds 15 minutes. Do ask the warden or HOS for judgement though if your new.

  • Avoid going into maints without at least one other officer following you. Most murder happen near or in maints and whilst your together to take down than the average passenger you can still die like everyone else.

  • Don’t be afraid to ask, most players (usually the Warden in the case of Security) will be more than willing to teach new players.


Literally everything Quetyr said.

I would recommend rebinding your keys to more comfortable ones.

And use quick access bag and belt keys. That key will bring out whatever was last put in bag\belt.

For example in your bag takeout handcuffs and put them back then do it with baton. Now with pres of single button you take out baton and put it back.

But if you stunned someone. Press swap hand button and then quick belt baton and you have your handcuffs in other hand.

That pretty much allow you to get baton out or in, with single button press.

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This is KINDA true, but just know that sometimes no matter what, you just cannot win and get through someones head.

They will bitch, cry, and mald because you arrested them for whatever. Do not let it get to your head lmao


What keybinds would you recommend?

If you see someone get a “promotion” to security during round, head to cryo sleeper and type /ghost to leave the round and play on another server.

Bind a key to your belt. It’ll take out the recent item you just put in there.

I was more so asking what buttons I should bind.

? Why

I have mouse with two additional buttons. So i did bind it to that. And walk\run toggle to spacebar

10 goobcoins say they had a bad encounter with a promoted secoff and now profiles ppl based on role.

Fyi for anybody who is reading dont do this. These instances happen on literally any server except the most strictest and 99% of the time they end up being harmless unless they are an antagonist.

Someone being promoted to security during a round isn’t that bad or serious. Its mild.

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if people come to be to get promoted and the mindshield goes through. I say let them be sec. too bad it wont give them play time though.

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Getting promoted to sec is the same as being promoted to any other role + mindshield. It is fine.

As a ward player, feel free to do sentencing yourself but PLEASE tell us that someones in the brig and where their stuff is, this goes doubly for perma. Also if you want to just drop someone off without sentencing make sure to tell ward what its for and any evidence. The amount of times ive had to ask a prisoner why they are there lmfao.

also binding say "Stop, You're under arrest!" or something similar to an easy to reach key is really useful as well for CYA to esclate to stuns when someone starts running off before you formally arrest them (shitter behaviour but yk)

How could I do that?

Find keybinds.yml in your %AppData%/Space Station 14 folder
then you want something like this

- mod1: Control
  key: E
  type: Command
  function: say Stop, you're under arrest!

^ says phrase when you press ctrl + e


Just be careful doing advanced keybinds. Because you can write a borderline script in there, that can get you bwoinked

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