Arcadis blocked?

I can’t find Arcadis Station on the hub. Was it dehubbed?

If it was dehubbed, the information will be available in Hub Administrative

Currently, this does not appear to be the case, you should refer to Arcadis‘s official discord server for information about the status of the server.

Above information is outdated.

According to a recent official announcement the Arcadis server has been dehubbed.

This information wasn’t available when my earlier post was made.

It’s recommended to avoid playing on their server for now until they address the issues outlined in the announcement.

Howdy, Guloveos one of the owners of Arcadis, We have made a response which can be found here.

This post was partially generated with the assistance of AI. I have carefully reviewed, edited, and refined the content to ensure its accuracy and alignment with my intended message.

I’d like to clarify that my recommendation against playing on a dehubbed server was based on general advice, as such servers are often considered unsafe. This was not directed at your server specifically, as I have no particular issue with it. I’m just a regular user on this forum. My advice was not official. and I hope you didn’t misinterpret it as such.

Additionally, I was not aware of the information you provided in your document at the time.

I’ve sent PJB a direct message with a link to this post so they can reach out. If they don’t respond, I’d suggest following up with a message yourself.

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Yes, according to the announcement dehubbing thread, they were dehubbed. They are now back on the hub and should be able to be found again. Any updates on if they are dehubbed/rehubbed will likely end up on that thread or in another announcement post.