Ardenshift - The ban reason is: "68190" - F-slur usage

Username: Ardenshift

Ban reason: The ban reason is: "68190" - F-slur usage
Length of ban: Indefinite
Ban Issue:
I did not do what I was banned for

Vote Opt-Out: false

Events leading to the ban

I’m not sure what the admins believe transpired. Almost five minutes into the start of a new shift I was banned. Supposedly I said something in chat that an admin had issues with. I would like to know exactly what I said that resulted in me being banned.

Reason the ban should be removed

I think my ban is ridiculous; whatever that word may have been, I do not believe it deserved to result in a permanent ban. I have not had any issues while playing the game and have been a very good faith player in every shift I have participated in. I don’t agree that an admin would see fit to ban me, especially over something as petty as saying a word.

Alternate Accounts

Good evening, Arden. It looks like this was a ban you received from a previous round, not from the round that the banned took effect on. Would you mind explaining the context of this message we found in the logs?

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Yes, I would be happy to provide context. I was walking out of the shuttle at round end and another player attacked me putting me in crit. I guess I can understand that the word I used might be misconstrued as something resembling hate speech. But I meant it as a silly jab at the person who attacked me. Please understand that the way I used the word was something akin to “Idiot” or “asshole”. This was said more than likely in the heat of the moment. I hope that satisfies your question.

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I was temped to accepted this ban appeal at first, but due to your lack of understanding of our Zero Tolerance rules. And previous warnings you received for slur usage I will not be accepting it.

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Added appeal-rejected and removed appeal-pending