Artifact foam node put me into permanent sleep

And of course I was playing as Captain.


Didn’t have my internals on and a sentient artifact was hanging out in the bar. It activated a node, which put everyone to sleep.

Dark green foam, no clue what was in it, but it was knocking people out for like 5 minutes straight. Of course it hit me, and since I’m the captain the crew were trying to wake me up faster so they tried killing me and bringing me back to life. This did not work, and I am still very much in my honk shoooo honk mi mi mi state.

I’ve entered my coma era.

Additional context

playing on WizDen Vulture, so everything is vanilla

The sleep bug is a known thing, but usually fixable by having someone shake you awake. You unfortunately got put into a coma it seems.

If it helps anyone; dark green leads me to believe this was nocturine, the syndie honk shoo drug. 8u = 2s of sleepy.

Also, question, did anyone else wake up or were you the only one remaining asleep? Also, did chem/med give you any charcoal?

it turned out that my forcedsleep component disappeared completely! an admin had to reenable it in order for me to wake up