Ban appeal for ''RDM''

 SS14 account: Alainikus

Byond account: Alainikus

Character name: Bethany Tilton

When was the ban: The day this post is getting created also date can be seen in the clip.

Your side of the story: Admin claims I have RDM’d people while I always stated a reason. I wasn’t RDMing if I wouldve RDM’d I wouldve gotten the gun when I was able to get into the gun locker. I was genuinely RP’ing and the people I would 3 I have attacked, 1 of them were RP’ing as blasphemist. So I acted accordingly as my character was a religious person and killed him. If I would’ve genuinely RDM’d him he would’ve reported me. He didn’t. The other time was someone who was annoying everybody and was stealing shit so I killed the person too. Person also didn’t report me. The last thing I did was killing the person that I assumed was a fucking terrorist because I was sure she did the explosion. I have a clip of that I was very sure it was her. The admin just contact me as you can see in the clip saying I am RDM’ing using only kill logs as an argument.

Why you think you should be unbanned: I am very sure I did nothing wrong and didn’t ruin others experience I played the game and have RP’d with others and didn’t shoot/stab people for fun. The admin just used the logs as an argument and didn’t care further. He didn’t even check chat logs. Which isn’t fair at all.

Anything else we should know:


I was genuinely RP’ing and the people I would 3 I have attacked, 1 of them were RP’ing as blasphemist. So I acted accordingly as my character was a religious person and killed him.

There isn’t an RP reason to murder people. Even so, you murdered someone and then ahelped when you got jailed by security?

A few other things to clear up here:


If I would’ve genuinely RDM’d him he would’ve reported me. He didn’t.

How do you know he didn’t? How do you know that the players you killed weren’t new players who were unaware of the admin help tool? How do you know they didn’t just leave? You have no way of knowing any of those things.


The admin just used the logs as an argument and didn’t care further.

Your actions speak very loudly. You murdered two people even if the person in the video is a traitor (It doesn’t look like she is).


He didn’t even check chat logs.

Admin logs INCLUDE chat logs.

43 minutes ago, Stealth16 said:

Your actions speak very loudly. You murdered two people even if the person in the video is a traitor (It doesn’t look like she is).

i had only roleplay motivations, I had roleplay reasoning and I roleplayed a lot. I didnt kill them for no reason I had my reasons like I stated.



44 minutes ago, Stealth16 said:

How do you know he didn’t? How do you know that the players you killed weren’t new players who were unaware of the admin help tool? How do you know they didn’t just leave? You have no way of knowing any of those things.

Reporting stuff is pretty much common sense but yeah I get you.



44 minutes ago, Stealth16 said:

Admin logs INCLUDE chat logs.

Then why didnt he check properly I clearly had roleplay motives and roleplay reasons. I just wanna play again, I am not a person who RDM’s I really just wanna play and I deny of having intentions of breaking the rules nor do I really believe I RDM’d because I really had reasons IC’ly.

Also to address your point on the point of that she was a traitor I myself dont know how the system works regarding that feature im just saying to me it looked like she was a terrorist because i didnt see anyone who couldve thrown a bomb and she looked like she did it.

At the end I can assure you I did not RDM. Actions speak louders than work for sure but I will be trying in the future to avoid these misunderstandings as I see maybe the admin misunderstood perhaps. I just wanna play again.

57 minutes ago, Stealth16 said:

There isn’t an RP reason to murder people. Even so, you murdered someone and then ahelped when you got jailed by security?

I ahelped because the guy wanted to ‘‘perma’’ arrest me which goes directly against the rules. I can even provide a clip if needed.

‘‘There isn’t an RP reason to murder people.’’ This I didn’t know I thought I can have reasons to kill people IC’ly or maybe you misudnerstood I meant IC reasons I kinda mixed it up.

@Stealth16Is this closed now? I have been waiting the entire day for an answer.

It’s up to @Pancake, your banning admin, but I would expect you to be told to wait until your ban ends on the 11th.

Denied, wait your ban out

From Rejected to Ban Appeals

From Rejected to Ban Appeals