Ban appeal. Nword

Ban reason: Banned for Breaching Zero tolerance Slurs rule. “Nword”
Length of ban: Appeal only permanent ban
Events leading to the ban: From what I remember, I was going into brig and meet black person on my way. Im literally forgot about that rule, and called him “Nigga” juss for a joke. This is my big mistake. After 15 minutes of playing, I get message from admin and getting ban quickly.
Reason the ban should be removed: Im absolutely tolerant for all people and how I say, i did that only for a joke, I sorry for that and promise I won’t do this again. This is my first expirience in SS14 and I’d like to play on this server again.

We take slurs very seriously here, as they are one of our zero-tolerance rules, but i can appreciate your honesty and genuine concern for the matter. I can see that you are on a very new account and how saying something can be a mistake since you might not know better. However, this makes me feel as if you did not fully read our server rules. 

If you reread our server rules found here <> and confirm with us here that you did, we will be glad to consider giving you a second chance to play on our servers.

19 hours ago, Kayek said:

We take slurs very seriously here, as they are one of our zero-tolerance rules, but i can appreciate your honesty and genuine concern for the matter. I can see that you are on a very new account and how saying something can be a mistake since you might not know better. However, this makes me feel as if you did not fully read our server rules. 

If you reread our server rules found here <> and confirm with us here that you did, we will be glad to consider giving you a second chance to play on our servers.

I already did this in first time, when I connect to server. How I say, I forgot about nwords. I really like that server, and wanna play here again. Im sorry for that mistake and hope u get me unbanned. I promise to do not make mistakes like that or possibles others!

Please keep in mind that using slurs is ground for an immediate removal from the servers. We can understand that sometimes it happens. As you are aware, just dont go around saying slurs anymore as this will lead to a voucher-only ban next time. Accepted.

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