SS14 account: yoydogbecoolman1
Character name: Steward Nimrod
Type of Ban: Game ban/server ban.
Date of Ban and Duration: Permanent
Reason for Ban: Racial Slur
Server you were playing on when banned: Wizards Den Lizard
Your side of the story: I was extremely unhappy with what had just happened, I reported it to an admin although it was left unanswered and I had gotten into an argument with the other person and I ended saying something I never should’ve.
Why you think you should be unbanned: I love this game and I find it as something I can play without having to worry about lifes hardships, and this is the only server with a decent amount of players and that speaks english, what I done was foolish, childish, and immature, I will never do it again and I just want to have fun with my friends again.
Anything else we should know: If you have anything else you feel is relevant to your
appeal, include it here.